Saturday, December 18, 2010

Santa Claus A christmas

Santa Claus A Christmas Present
I still remember: when I was young, I hid under my bed on Christmas, waiting for Santa Claus to bring his presents! I usually fell asleep at night, but in the morning, the glass of milk I used to leave, was always empty, and no cookies were left on the table – I was sure that Santa had come by! Running towards the glowing boxes of presents, every time something awesome was there wrapped up! I still remember one year…I was sure that I saw Santa leaving his presents under the tree!

After a few years, I realized that it was a nice fairy tale that all parents told their kids, and always smiled about it.

I personally think that children must use their imagination. At ages 1-9, children can believe in fairy tales; it is only age you are allowed to (and probably should!) live in them. You don’t have any responsibilities because your guardians are thinking for you. There are a great deal of fairy tales – Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella and Snow White, but Santa Claus is the only one that actually lives in their hearts. Santa Claus makes kids happy, and a happy kid is a healthy kid! I think it’s a big mistake if you tell your offspring that Santa doesn’t exist when they are still very young. I would try as hard as possible to keep them from the truth – a kid must be a kid, and every person must live according to their age. So don’t destroy the Christmas dream of every kid; let them be happier by living the most beautiful Winter myth.

A friend once told me that she realized that Santa doesn’t exist exactly that way: Santa does not exist! A friend playing with her whispered this “horrible” phrase in her ear. She started crying and asking for her mother to tell her the truth. It was a pretty traumatic experience. She stopped believing in the fairy tale. After that, she took her present – a beautiful doll – but she never, ever played with it. We need to realize that after the “truth”, kids start to enter reality before their time, and the Christmas spirit slowly becomes a dull family gathering.

Try to avoid reality sometimes, and live out this beautiful story together with your children. Believe me, you will feel great! It will remind you of everything from your childhood, and, of course you will look so much better in your childrens’ eyes. So, it’s time for everyone to become a little child again! Live the great stories that you used to live in again!

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