Friday, December 24, 2010

Traveling to Israel in Christmas

Mount of Olives

Traveling is something that we all do and most of us enjoy it. We all travel for different reasons some travel from one place to another for business purposes and some travel as tourist. There are many places in this world where religious people go to visit to see and to feel the old memories of their religion. Muslims go to Makkah and Madina in Saudi Arabia to see the places where the religion Islam grown up. This same goes with other religions as well. Christians goes to Israel, as this is the place where their religion started. Fro most Christians visiting Israel is just like a dream come true. The Israel is considered to be a holy country for Christians and it is considered to be a good place to renew their faith. It is also considered to be a good vacation spot for most Christians.

Israel and especially Jerusalem holds great importance and significance for Christians and Christians from all over the world come to visit this place. The best thing of Israel and Jerusalem is that it holds all the three famous religions of the world. Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Jerusalem is considered to be a holy place for all these three religions. There are many other attractions as well apart from religious views but most people and especially Christians visit Israel and Jerusalem for religious purposes.

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The first place, which a Christian enjoys in Jerusalem, is the Old City of Jerusalem and its four quarters. These four quarters are surrounded with eight gates. Well the Israel possess great importance in this world and especially Jerusalem because of its significance in the three most powerful land huge religions in this world. Christians travel to Israel to renew their faith and to become good person and human being and follow what their religion offers.

Traveling to Israel in Christmas

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The Israel Tourism Ministry announced it is expecting over 90,000 tourist over the Christmas Holidays, with many of the visitors taking special holy land tours. The religious tourist are there to visit the holy sites and participate in the religious activities, masses to be held in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth the birth place of Jesus.
The Israeli government is cooperating with religious leaders in Israel, and the Catholic Church, Israeli Police, City officials, and the Palestinian Tourism Authority and other governing bodies in order to facilitate tourist on their israel tours, and provide a positive pleasant experience.
Because of significant volumes in travelers to pass through the Ben Gurion International Airport, as well as the Allenby and Taba border crossings, the government Tourist Authorities are working hard to ensure a speedy and pleasant passage. Extra written flyers and brochures has been delivered to the tourist offices in Jerusalem, Nazareth, Tiberias and Tel Aviv. Additional staff has also been made available for high season in order to serve the visitors promptly.
Tourist can benefit during the holidays free shuttle transportation services for pilgrims traveling from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. The shuttle will leave every hour of the day from Mar Elias Monastery to the Church of Nativity and return on the half hour, starting Friday 24 at mid day until Saturday December 25th at mid day. Tourist will be welcomed with treats in the spirit of Christmas.
Tourism Minister Mr Misezhnikov says: “The Christian community, in its various denominations with hundreds of millions of believers, represents one of the central anchors for incoming tourism to Israel. The Tourism Ministry works with Christian communities in Israel and around the world throughout the year to increase collaboration with opinion formers, community leaders and the faithful who represent a bridge for peace and the opportunity to promote pilgrimage to the holy land .”

Jerusalem Israel General Information

A trip to israel is not complete without seeing Jerusalem. It is the place to see in Israel and all of the Middle East, specially if you are a first timer we suggest a israel tour. This sacred city is the center for the world’s three major monotheistic religions, and was fought over for three millennia by many people and nations. Jerusalem known for the center of the world, is also the capitol of


Jerusalem is very much alive today, with numerous landmarks within the ancient walls of Jerusalem. See the Western Wall which is all that remains of the temple of Solomon that was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BC. In Jerusalem you will see every aspect of religion represented by Jews from Africa, Asia, Europe and America. Experience the Jewish rituals of praying, leaving messages to God written on pieces of paper and placeing it between the stones of the wall. Here you can see young teenage girls staggered up to the Female section of the wall to elderly Jewish men dressed in traditional sober Hasidic clothing. You may even come across a Bar Mitzvah Celebration.

The Holy Sepulchre is built on the site where Jesus is said to have been execuited and buried, a reminder of all the varities of Christianity there is. There are 30 chaples built on this site and a great choice for holy land tours. Stopping for a few seconds you will experience Armenian, Catholic, Coptic, Ethopian, Greek and Russian priests rushing by you. The stunning Dome of the Rock on Temple Mount dominates the view of Jerusalem, it is a masterpiece of Islamic architecture. It is believed by all three of the wolrd’s main religions that the Rock is where Abraham prepared to sacrafice his son to God in the founding act of Monotheism.

Just about every step you take through the streets of Jerusalem is a reminder that this Holy Land city had an enormous effect on the history of the world and is destined to have a crucial tole in it’s future. Walk alond the Via Dolorosa, the streets where Jesus dragged his cross befor his crucifixion. You’ll hear a potpourri of Muslim calls for prayer along with Christian chanting with shouting of the market traders selling their spices. Injerusalem you’ll see Jews and Muslims trading with one another and shareing a meal in the market place.

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